By Buck Sexton of American Consequencees
Over the past year of COVID, there’s been a recurring news narrative of “experts surprised their predictions were off the mark.” It’s happened on almost every major policy issue – from masks to lockdowns to surface cleaning – and the margins of error are often vast. The CDC or some government body told us with certainty that something was true concerning COVID, and we had to obey.
But then the data comes out, and the people yelling about “the science” were totally wrong…
Yet somehow we’re supposed to ignore the abysmal track record of these experts and listen to whatever their next proclamation of “the science!” may be, even as the end of the pandemic appears to be in sight. This comes from the “Fauciite Consensus” – the absolutist voices that pretend there’s such a thing as “the science” that determines public policy decisions. Until we understand what the consensus is, and what it plans long term, it’s never going away.
Any meaningful public debate about the consensus positions has been forbidden… After all, how can you reasonably argue with a group that claims to represent “the science”? We’ve been led to believe an infallible genius has been making these COVID policy declarations. In reality, it’s been Dr. Anthony Fauci and a chorus of middling fellow bureaucrats insisting that two-year-olds wear masks and “social distancing” circles be drawn on baseball fields in public parks.
Read the Fauciite Consensus Will Never Take Us Back to normal on American Consequences Normal