Daily Mail: Government estimates 220,000 will be the true death toll of the pandemic – with nearly half lost to non-Covid causes such as cancelled operations 30 January 2021 Health and Wellbeing Hospital chaos will have led to 46,000 avoidable deaths by end of next month Cancellations to routine operations may cause 18,000 excess Read More
New York Magazine: “The Lab-Leak Hypothesis” 29 January 2021 Science Nicholson Baker explores the controversial subject of whether the virus behind the COVID19 pandemic was a modified virus which escaped from a Read More
From Rolls Royce to Skoda: How the pandemic has exposed Britain’s failed ‘regulatory state’ 28 January 2021 Politics As the UK death toll passes 100,000, we examine how our hollowed-out state not only broke down but failed to plan to Read More
BBC Future: How effective is a single vaccine dose against Covid-19? 19 January 2021 Science Given the confusion around multi-dose experimental vaccinations, which of the various new vaccines should we opt for ? (if given a choice) Read More
The ‘Stomp Reflex’: When governments abuse emergency powers – Luke Kemp – BBC Future 12 December 2021