The NHS hopes more than 900,000 patients will be referred to social prescribing by 2023/24. NHS Property Services investing £2M in social prescribing sites across England.
Social prescribing is when GPs or NHS primary care staff refer a patient to local, non-clinical services to help with their health and wellbeing. This can include referrals to activities like gardening, volunteering or art classes.
“We know that 20% of all GP consultations are often linked to an individual having a social problem, rather than having necessarily a clinical problem,” says Deborah Prince, director of communications from NHS Property Services which is investing £2m this year in social prescribing sites across England.
Read the article on Sky News here
20% of all GP consultations are linked to an individual having a social problem, rather than a clinical problem.
Deborah Prince, director of communications from NHS Property Services
… the pandemic has had a huge impact on individuals and communities so the timing to deliver these projects now is great, more than ever.”